These techniques include manual disassembly of weee without concern of the. It is hoped that this publication will open the eyes of the citizens in this part of the world to the increasing menace posed by the lack of waste management systems and inspire them to do. The global ewaste production is assessed at 2050 mtyear 3, equal to % of the estimated global urban waste production 1636 mt 4, 2. Tackling hazardous chemicals pollution is an important area of gefs. Health and environmental hazards of electronic waste in india, journal of environmental health 78 no. Food waste management perceptions, decisions, and actions. Ewaste comprises of a multitude of components, some containing toxic substances that can have an adverse effect on. International journal of environmental health research. Indian institute of chemical engineers calcutta regional. Lca has improved our understanding of the potential environmental impacts associated with waste management options, and also revealed the need for reliable, transparent and detailed data describing the technical and economic performance of each solid waste collection, separation, treatment and disposal process. Computer equipment, monitorstvs, cell phones, batteries.
The dumping of ewaste, particularly computer waste, into india from developed countries and all this has made ewaste management an issue of environment and health concern. However, according to the greenpeace report, in 2007, india generated 380,000. The key findings found that, to manage e waste successfully, it is necessary to establish effective reverse supply chains for e waste, and raise public awareness towards the detrimental impacts of e waste. The thai ewaste strategy of the pollution control department, ministry of natural resources and environment in 2007 had five objectives. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. The dismantling process could be manual or mechanized requiring adequate safety. Electronic waste an emerging threat to the environment. Table of contents journal of waste management hindawi. In order to manage waste, the environmental protection agency epa and the solid waste act favor an integrated solid waste management. Waste management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, treatment and disposal, as well as manuscripts that address waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments. Due to the fact that the life span of computers has dropped in developed countries from six years in 1997 to just two years in 2005, and mobile. The journal aims at unearthing the recent innovations and developments in this field with a view to check the global.
Furthermore, comprehensive global ewaste management and policies could. Due to the fact that the life span of computers has dropped in developed countries from six years in 1997. All articles published in the journal during its time with springer will. Solid waste management swm is an increasingly complex task, absorbing a huge amount of. Master thesis in sustainable development at uppsala. Research in business and economics journal volume 11 e waste management, page 4 management. According to a january 2019 report from the world economic forum, ewaste is now the. Jun 25, 2019 e waste is growing, and with that surge comes the need for effective electronics recycling programs. Electronic waste or e waste is one of the quickly developing problems of the world. Pdf ewaste management ijiris journal division academia. E waste management ppt free download as powerpoint presentation. Offers research in technical, political, and environmental problems of material cycles and waste management.
A country report as one of the worlds largest exporters of electrical and electronic equipment eee and importers of waste electrical and electronic equipment ewaste worldwide. To mitigate their negative influences on the environment and society, it is necessary to establish appropriate strategies for ewaste management. Due to the presence of these substances, recycling and disposal of ewaste. Current condition policy and regulation on e waste management in indonesia 3. International journal of recycling of organic waste in agriculture is now archived and no longer receiving submissions with this publisher. Ewaste management ppt electronic waste waste management. Journal scope waste management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, recycling, treatment and. Master thesis in sustainable development at uppsala university. A challenge for sustainable development journal of. According to a january 2019 report from the world economic forum, e waste is now the fastestgrowing waste stream in the world, with an estimated waste stream of 48. David rochat, senior environmental consultant, marketing and sales director of sofies with extensive experiences in e waste management in switzerland, india and many countries in africa. An exclusive notification on e waste management and handling rules, 2010 under the environment protection act, 1986 has been notified s. The present ewaste management needs to be more focused on.
For the waste sector in south africa this means care must be given to raw material use, product design, resource efficiency, waste prevention, and minimization where avoidance is impossible. Electronic waste university of california, berkeley. These techniques include manual disassembly of weee. Ewaste management to eliminate environmental pollution for. Computer equipment, monitorstvs, cell phones, batteries, stereos, etc. Waste, is a combination of used or unwanted electronic products that have exceeded their shelf life. Clean india journal editor july 20, 20 in professional, waste management the future of ewaste recycling is bright in india as there is a gap of proper. Ewaste management ppt free download as powerpoint presentation.
Waste management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, recycling, treatment and disposal, as well as manuscripts that address solid waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments. New regulation for e waste management in indonesia in drafting process 8. Contributes to the development of an interdisciplinary science of material cycles and waste management. Used electronics which are destined for reuse, resale, salvage, recycling or disposal are also considered as ewaste. E waste management in india an overvie w international journal of earth sciences and engineering issn 09745904, vol. Perceptions of health and environmental impacts of e waste management in ghana. E 3 4 describes discarded electrical or electronic devices. E waste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in developed as well as in developing countries. In wealthier countries, e waste will stand for 8% of the urban waste volume 5. How much ewaste is there in us basements and attics.
Journal and confrence paper on enviornment e waste management. To introduce the reader to the solid waste management field, an overview of municipal solid waste problems, sources, collection, resource recovery, and disposal methods are presented in this paper. Parkpain p, sreesai s and delaune rd 2014 bioavailability of heavy metals in sewage sludge amended thai soils. Electronic waste ewaste is discarded electrical or electronic devices. Electronic waste, e waste, e sc rap, or waste electrical and electronic equipment w. The global e waste production is assessed at 2050 mtyear 3, equal to % of the estimated global urban waste production 1636 mt 4, 2.
E waste comprises of a multitude of components, some containing toxic substances that can have an adverse effect on human health and the environment if not handled. Research in business and economics journal volume 11 ewaste management, page 4 management. Waste management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, treatment and disposal, as well as. E waste management issues, challenges and proposed solutions. Ewaste, environmental pollution, recycling and reusing. Clean india journal editor july 20, 20 in professional, waste management the future of e waste recycling is bright in india as there is a gap of proper solution providers that can handle the growing demand of electronic appliance consumption. Perceptions of health and environmental impacts of ewaste management in ghana. Velasco e and nino j 2014 recycling of aluminium scrp for secondary al. This growing literature covers a wide range of topics from general e waste issues. Mase, tiina reponen, shukmei ho, and aimin chen, ewaste management in the united states and public health implications, journal of environmental health 79 no. Electronic waste and india ministry of electronics and. The global impact of ewaste addressing the challenge the global impact of ewaste addressing the challenge safework programme on safety and health at work and the environment international labour office safework 4, route des morillons ch1211 geneve 22 switzerland tel. The prolonged storing of e waste is caused by lack of e waste policy, absence of proper management methods, and the absence of recycling centers in the city.
The present e waste management needs to be more focused on environmentally sound management, by more active support from all the participants involved in the e waste flow chain in india. For ewaste management systems, some of the most successful examples can be found in countries such as switzerland and the netherlands. David rochat, senior environmental consultant, marketing and sales director of sofies with. In order to manage waste, the environmental protection agency epa and the solid waste act favor an integrated solid waste management strategy that includes 1 reducing the amount. Waste act of 1990, which set a goal of diverting 25% of new mexicos municipal solid waste from landfills by 1995 and 50% by july 1, 2000. The total waste generated by obsolete or broken down electronic and. Ewaste is one of the fastest growing waste streams in developed as well as in developing countries. In india, solid waste management, with the emergence of e waste, has become a complicated task. Indian institute of chemical engineers calcutta regional centre.
The total waste generated by obsolete or broken down electronic and electrical equipment was estimated to be 1,46,000 tonnes for the year 2005, which is expected to exceed 8,00,000 tonnes by 2012. With the usage of electrical and electronic equipment eee on the rise, the amount of electrical and electronic waste ewaste produced each day is equally growing enormously around the globe. Future perspectives on e waste management are also suggested. The prolonged storing of ewaste is caused by lack of ewaste policy, absence of proper management methods, and the absence of recycling centers in the city. The global impact of ewaste addressing the challenge the global impact of ewaste addressing the challenge safework programme on safety and health at work and the environment international. For the waste sector in south africa this means care must be given to raw material use, product design, resource efficiency, waste prevention. Electronic waste or ewaste is one of the quickly developing problems of the world. Policy for second hand electronic goods importation 6. Waste management is devoted to the presentation and discussion of information on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, recycling, treatment and. International journal of recycling of organic waste in. Ewaste management to eliminate environmental pollution. Electronic waste, abbreviated as ewaste is a term used to describe old, endoflife electronic appliances such as computers, laptops.
Perceptions of health and environmental impacts of ewaste. Electronic waste, ewaste, esc rap, or waste electrical and electronic equipment w. Pdf ewaste management, disposal and its impacts on the. Chemicals and waste management for sustainable development publication showcases lessons from 11 case studies around the world, funded by the global environment facility gef as the main funding mechanism for the stockholm convention on pops. There is a lack of consensus as to whether the term should apply to resale, reuse, and refurbishing industries, or only to product that cannot be used for its intended purpose. E waste management issues challenges and proposed solutions. Contributes to the development of an interdisciplinary science of material cycles and. We are committed to sharing findings related to covid19 as quickly and safely as possible. The journal addresses various types of solid wastes including municipal e. The paper attempts to understand the important role played by the formal sector engaged in waste management in our country. The management of ewaste was covered under the environment and forests hazardous wastes management and handling rules 2008. In india, solid waste management, with the emergence of ewaste, has become a complicated task. Further step for ewaste management indonesia still developed the specific ewaste regulation that. Understanding consumer ewaste recycling behavior mdpi.
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